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Short Intro About Chemical Injection Skid.

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UniversalTech Automation partnered with top Chemical Injection Skid Package Manufacturers in UAE & Europe for onsite installation, commissioning, startup and maintenance of equipment's. These systems can be of standard design or built to customer requirements to deliver the full range of production chemicals.

Multiple Pumps

Our chemical injection pump units range from a single pump application to multiple pneumatic injection pumps with discharge flow rates of 0 to 2500 litres/hour and pressures from 0 to 13,000 psi. The pumps are constructed from stainless steel which can be trimmed for various applications.

Chemical injection skids

We are specialized piping arrangements used to inject chemicals into a system, mostly in the oil & gas and chemical industry. The skid structure provides a major structure for the system and is created and designed to protect the system.

Chemical injection pump

packages are used for a wide range of chemicals and applications. A large part of these applications are to secure the production process by means of injection of small amounts of chemicals into the production well. These packages are also used in the petrochemical industry.

Types of Chemical Injection Skids

• Chemical Injection Skid Packages (Methanol, Phosphate, Demulsifier, etc.) • Corrosion Inhibitor Injection Skid. • Oxygen Scavenger Skid. • Scale Inhibitor Injection Skid. • Multi injection Pump Skid Packages. • Power Water Injections Skid. • ZV Skid. • Dye Injection Skid.

Design Considerations

• Application: onshore (single well) / offshore (multi well) • Installation: permanent/temporary • Power available: solar, gas, air, electricity • Hazardous area classification: zone 0, zone 1, zone 2 / zone unclassified • Level of complexity: conventional, hybrid, state of the art • Remote control requirements • Type of Injection liquid


Revamping of existing acid regeneration and caustic soda chemical injection skids at Notre Chemicals, Nigeria.


Revamping of existing acid regeneration Chemical Injection Skid at NLNG, Nigeria.


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